Radio Retrofuture Wiki

The Format

[Instructions to Associates: A introductory text that instructs associates on how to act when they encounter, or seek out, the subject of this dossier. The purpose is to set the mood and build up suspense.]


[A description of the subjects appearance, location and unique traits. Also includes examples of how these traits manifest.]


[A log of events were the traits of the subject become obvious to the Association. These could include logs, articles, interviews with Associates, witnesses and the subjects.]

[Optional catagories]

- Experiments

- Additional Logs, diaries, interviews

- Personal opinions from Association members

'Blacking Out' or redacting text.

For adding some mystery, or leave revelations for future files you can black-out information. This could be because the information is sensitive, could incriminate innocent people or allies or because is a potential sanity hazard. Unfortunately this wiki does not allow coloring lines. Instead, to black-out text hold the ALT-key and type on the num-pad "219" (and let go of ALT). Then " █ " will appear.
